There is a common misconception that training your dog to sleep in an enclosed space, such as a crate, is cruel and makes them feel punished. Nothing could be further from the truth!
Crate training actually satisfies the hereditary instinct of dogs to seek cozy, protective shelters. In the wild, a dog will dig a shallow hole as a place where they can nest and feel safe and secure – psychologically as well as physically.
Domesticated animals have this instinct too. In your home, if your dog or puppy has no special, set-aside place to call his own, he’ll curl up under a table, a chair, or some other covering.
What he could use is a crate or soft-sided camper tent from MidWest Homes for Pets™. Even when you’re home, the crate can be left open for your puppy to enter and exit as he pleases. He can return to his own little home-within-your-home whenever he’s tired or stressed or simply wants a bit of “alone time.”
With a MidWest home, your puppy has a secure place he can happily curl up in. He won’t feel isolated, either, because our pet homes give him all the visibility and ventilation he needs. A relaxed and content puppy is far less prone to behavioral problems, such as excessive barking or chewing on the furniture. And that should keep you pretty content as well!
A MidWest home also draws out your puppy’s natural instinct to keep his home clean. When he has to “go” he’ll try to hold it in until you can take him outside to the proper area. This will teach him to follow a schedule and help him avoid accidents.
Explore our website to learn more about how our safe, secure home solutions can keep your dog or puppy happier, healthier, and more self-assured. Look particularly at our Do’s and Don’ts page and The ABCs of Crate Training. Then contact MidWest Homes for Pets™ if you have questions or need help finding your closest retailer.